We are a ministry that believes in “Changing one soul at a time and making all generals”. We serve in the spirit of excellence with integrity and compassion for our community, our nation, and our world.

Our Vision
– Win the lost to Christ
– Pray with people
– Teach others to reach the lost
– Recruit other interested members for Evangelism Evangelism Team meets every Monday at 6.00 pm for prayer and direction. We organize crusades, outreaches, hospital visits and missions. If you or someone you know would like to be a part of the Evangelism Team Ministry, contact us today.
Our children’s ministry is a fun filled ministry for all children from newborns to teen years. Here at KMCC, we are very passionate about our children. We fully believe that the entire family, including children, can experience God and grow into responsible citizens to God, the Church and their communities. We are a dedicated team specifically to support you and your children live for Christ. It’s a privilege to receive your children every Sunday and on Saturdays as we minister to your family. We also love and believe in families. We recognize that parents are the greatest influences in their children’s lives which is why we seek to partner with parents. Our goal is to resource parents to be able to cultivate deep and meaningful relationships with their kids in every season and stage of life. We have more for the kids, including
– Children’s Church (Newborn to age 12 years)
– Baby Dedication (Infants and young children)
– Choirs and Musicals (Ages 3 to 17 years)